You are such a gem, @days of future passed. I wish I could buy you a drink right now just to thank you for your efforts. This is the post you found, yeah?:
'How can the following be proved to be scriptural?
What possible evidence supports these teachings and policies?
1. Jesus surveyed all christian denominations and chose the "anointed" under Judge Rutherford for his approved church in the year 1919.
2. Charles Russell predicted 1914 was date for the return of Christ rather than Armageddon.
3. There are two classes of saved christians and the majority will not have a heavenly hope.
4. The bible is only written for the anointed and not the majority of christians who must, instead, turn to the Governing Body.
5. Jesus is NOT the mediator between Jehovah and the great crowd of worshippers but the Governing Body itself is.
6. Declaring apostasy when any member diaagrees with the men of the GB or the Elders who parrot their policies.
7. Branch committees and not local congregations decide who is a child molestor and who will be declared a predator. Notifying the police is not automatic procedure.
8. Declaring it a disfellowship offense for mothers to speak a greeting to DF'd children. Family must shun ex-members even if they aren't speaking out against the religion.
Where is your verification these Watchtower policies aren't just the opinions, prejudices and whims of ordinary human despots pretending to be the only true "channel" of the living God?'
Unfortunately, it's not the right one :(. The poster's challenge was so recent and it was a comment (not a thread started) pertaining specifically to the New Covenant and helping Witnesses see that unless they are a part of this group, they are without hope/salvation.
Come on guys... someone has to remember! I have this fantasy deep down that my father - a WT slave for decades who IS cerebral enough to value sincere doctrine - will take on this challenge and just MAYBE start having second thoughts about the WTBTS.